Monday, November 26, 2012

Letter - November 26, 2012

FAMILY!!!!  I am so glad its been another week so that I get to talk to you all again.  First off, President said we can email family, so if Uncle Curt or anyone else wants to email me, they can directly.  I miss you all like crazy!  I got your Christmas package ready today!  I will be sending it off tomorrow so be ready for it.  It should be pretty sweet!

So this week was 100x better!!!  I am starting to love it out here.  The week started off normal.  I was still sick so Talvane took me to the doctor.  The doctors office is at the hospital here and is soooo sketchy!  It is on the same floor as the emrgency rooms...  I saw people get rushed in, I saw people covered in blood from head to toe, I saw people go into a room and come out bawling after saying their final goodbyes, and I saw a body bag get wheeled out.  Luckily I didnt see the body.  It was seriously the saddest thing ever.  We didnt get into the doctor, so we went the next day.  They drew my blood and did an xray of my chest cuz I was having pressure from coughing.  Everythhing looked great and they gave me more medication.  This time it is actually helping.  I feel back to 100% now and I love it.

So Talvane got an emergency transfer on Friday to go be a Zone Leader in Lajes.  So I got a new companion on Friday.  His name is Elder Val and is from Layton.  He is a really cool kid!  He played basketball and soccer in high school, so this morning we went and shot around at the church.  It was a lot of fun.  It helps that he knows English too! haha.  But he has really helped me with my Portugues and it is coming along nicely.

On Saturday there was a ward talent show.  They go ALL OUT here! haha it was a lot of fun!  They were bumpin American music like Shania Twain.  We were definitely getting into it.  Then me and three other Elders sang Silent Night or Noite Feliz with an investigator.  It went really well.  I sang really quiet so that they could hear the good singers and not my terrible voice! haha.  But it was a lot of fun!  I love the ward members here.  They are so friendly and so welcoming.  We eat at a members house every single day for lunch, cuz lunch is the biggest meal for them here.  It is great and I love the food here. I am glad that you guys accepted Eddy on Facebook.  We stop by his house almost every night before going home.  They are members and are such a big help to us out here.  I love them a lot.  I will Skype you guys from their house on Christmas :)

Last night, we taught Ajona and Leblum, the two guys from Haiti.  We taught them about the Book Of Mormon.  I could feel the Spirit so strong and I think that they could too.  I love the Spirit that I feel as we teach this true gospel.  I love this gospel and I love the opportunity that I have to share it with others and bring the happiness to their lives.  Both of them committed to reading 3 Nephi 11, and we are going to follow up with them tomorrow about it.  So I will keep you posted :)

Sounds like you guys had a great Thanksgiving!  Mine was pretty lame cuz I spent the day at the doctors and just thought of you guys having fun! haha.  I miss you all like crazy!  I am lovin it out here and I know it will keep getting better and better, especially as I learn this language.  I can feel the Lord helping me every step of the way.  I cant thank you all enough at home for all your prayers.  I have truly felt so much spiritual help out here and it has helped me adjust quicker than I ever though possible.

Love you all and I will talk to you guys in a week :)

Elder Howard

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